Hi, Grandma Here!

And this is my grandson, Easton. He has been with us since infancy and, as I write this, my husband and I have just finalized his adoption. It’s been a challenging, heartbreaking, stressful and often lonely road, let me tell you… It’s been crazy! I NEVER…EVER thought I would trade in my empty nest and my carefree retirement dreams for a second go-around of parenting! But I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. How could I not? Look at that face!

And, I am going to guess that… since you’re here… you find yourself in a similar situation. The overwhelming prevalence of drug and alcohol addiction has left many of us taking on this unexpected role of parenting our grandchildren. We are left with more questions than answers and a whole lot of FEAR!

I am not a social worker, therapist or lawyer. I am not authorized to give legal advice or counsel you in any way. What I am, however, is someone who has BEEN THERE! I would say that I am, if nothing else, an expert on what NOT to do with a degree from the School Of Hard-Knocks!

Here is what I CAN do for you…

I can hold your hand and help you weather the storm!

This isn’t going to be easy, but you are BRAVE and you are STRONG and you are doing the right thing.I know it doesn’t feel that way right now but trust me! I have been where you are.

Nothing Prepares you for this

Fear /Anger/ Grief/ Overwhelm/ Burn-Out/ Resentment/ Financial Burden/ Loss Of Identity/ Abandonment/ Legal Battles and Privacy Intrusions/ Family Disconnect ….

You Do Not have To Do It ALONE!

As a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Life Coach and Self-Proclaimed Grandma Mentor, I can help you navigate the road ahead. And, now more than ever is the time for you to take care of your own well-being! I Believe in you and, together, we will create a course that will bring you peace, acceptance, joy and the freedom to love whole-heartedly again!

Take A Deep Breath!

Through my coaching and mentoring program, you will discover

  • Self-Care

  • Balance - Mind/Body/Spirit

  • Communication Skills

  • Boundaries

  • Relationship Support

  • Child-Raising Guidance

  • Time Management

    And So Much More…

Go From Surviving to Thriving again

Schedule your complimentary consultation today and find out if my Exclusive program is right for you. You don’t have to do this alone!